David Happy Birthday!!! What a cute baby...It didn't take many
Birthdays for you to become a man.
I asked your family to give me some of there favorite memories with you.
Here is a few that I got back.....
Your cute sister Erika said:
I have many memories of David!
The first one I like is he took me to see Lion King I don't really remember much about it but it was fun.
The next one we were watching Toy Story 2 and we saw the part when the Potato Head says "Be prepared
to meet Mr. Angry eyes." And we laughed and laughed and rewinded it and watched it over and over. I didn't think it was that funny but David was laughing so hard
it was contagious!
Then when we were in Neveda we were playing on the play ground on the teeter totters and he was making me go very high and I was screaming and he was laughing, then we dug through the school trash(Eww! I know but there is NOTHING to do in Neveda) and we just had fun trying to entertain ourselves!
I have many memories (he is awesome) so those are just some that I liked. He always makes me laugh no matter what mood I am in, I love being around him!
So anytime I am around him or talk to him on the phone are my favorite memories! I love him!
Your cute sister Tina said:
My memory is listening to the Beach Boys together and when David
stepped on the G.I. Joe guy and he cut the guy in half.
It was so funny watching him cut in in half.
Your Mom said:
David is our prayer child. David has always been an independent individual, which is a quality of good leaders. When he was small, he would take off by himself, which scared us to death. One time we got a call from the police telling us that David and his little girl friend were there because someone had seen them and taken them there. Once our neighbors had taken David out of the middle of the street! At church we could not find David when it was time for Sacrament meeting. This is panic time for parents. Where to go to look. This is why we call him our prayer child! "Help me find him, and I promise I will hug and kiss him instead of beat him!" We found him at King's Variety store! Because this was a common occurrence, we decided that he would wear an identification bracelet! We taught him his parents' names and phone number! He has always been a loving individual. He gives the best mom hugs! We have always enjoyed his sense of humor and ability to make us laugh! We love him.
Your loving wife:
I don't have just one memory of David I have thousands. I loved our time dating...I loved our wedding
day...I just love the time we spend together...AND...like Erika I love when
David finds humor in a movie and he will rewind that scene ten or
more times and he will just laugh and laugh.
I love the quiet times we have and the times we just talk and talk.
I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband. I love him tons!!
David...We all wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We hope you have
a great Birthday and know we all love you so much.
You are such a wonderful Father and an
We all send you tons of Birthday wishes....
For another fun post on David's Birthday
Visit my other blog site that I use all the time!
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