Thursday, June 28, 2007

100 This &That

100 This and That
1. If I had the chance to live by the ocean or surrounded in the mountains by pine trees and a lake…I would definitely choose to be in the Pine Trees.
2.When I load the dishwasher I always have to put the spoons together, forks together and so on. So much easier to un-load it.
3. Fall is my most favorite time of the year. When it’s summer I’m wishing and dreaming it was Fall.
4. I love to have everything organized. Everything has to have it’s own place. I use my Franklin planner every single day and have for quite a few years.
5. I love to chew ice. Anytime I get a drink I have to have it completely full of ice
And let the pop break down the ice so it’s easy to eat…Mmmmm horrible habit I know.
6. I absolutely loved my High School years. They were such fun memories
7. I secretly wish I was still playing my saxophone in a jazz band. I loved playing the flute and sax. I wish I played the piano better.
8. I met my best friend who is still my friend today when we were in Kindergarten
9. I learned to snow ski when I was 3 or 4 years old in all places—Arizona
10. I wake up every morning at 5:30 but I would love just one day when I could sleep until 8:00 with NO interruptions.
11. I love to watch reality shows…David just laughs at me…but he will watch some of them with me.
12. I love when David rubs my arm at night so I can fall into a deep sleep.
13. My weakness: Goldfish Pretzel crackers…they are my favorite
14. I love that David is going to school but I sure do miss him during the school year. We don’t get to see him much when he is having to study. It’s only going to get more busy as the years go on.
15.I love the look of acrylic nails but I hate to wear them myself.
16. I am truly in love with my best friend & husband David
17. I love to go to bed early. I am not a night person at all.
18. I love listening to country music. I also love 80s music
19. I absolutely love being a stay at home Mom.
20. I love to cook and bake
21. I love lightning and thunder. I love a good rain storm
22. One of my cats got eaten by a havalina. I don’t ever want more animals.
23. I hate having more than 10 emails in my inbox. This goes back to # 4 I either delete the emails or have them all in a file folder.
24.I love making new friends and the older I get I realize it’s harder to make true & lasting friends.
25. I am shy—although David would totally disagree with me.
26. I absolutely HATE Math—I am not good at it..This bothers me
27. I HATE HATE HATE tomatoes
28. My favorite type of food is Mexican
29. My favorite dish to make at home is Chicken Vegetable Stir Fry—YUMMY
30. I have always wanted to visit New England in the Fall time.
31. I love small towns and growing up in a very very very small town was fun but I don’t think I could ever live in a small town again.
32. I was born in Canada
33. I love my name-
34. I have two older brothers
35. If I have more children I want them to be boys
36. I am scared to have a girl
37. I love to scrapbook but I am SO far behind
38. I love that my little boy is NOT a picky eater
39. I love that my older one is trying new foods and liking new things
40. My favorite all time country singer is Garth Brooks
41. I never wonder what my life would have been like if I married this person or that person. I know without a doubt I married the right one.
42. I work really well under pressure
43. BUT..I hate to procrastinate
44. I enjoy good conversation. I hate one worded answers.
45. I never write in cursive-I don’t even know if I remember how. (grin)
46. I love…love notes from my husband---Hint Hint…it’s been a very long time
47. My boys watch everything David does---which is why Kobe now opens my car door or why Kobe holds the door open for people to go in or out. It makes me so proud.
48. Please and Thank you go a long way. I try to teach my boys these two important words.
49.I am not a collector of anything.
50. I always knew since I was little I would marry a boy from ! I just never knew how that would happen when I didn’t even live in Utah. YEP—married a boy from .
51. I love making and selling Customized Hello Miss Kitty bracelets and necklaces on Ebay.
52. I love taking pictures!!!
53. I am not afraid of the dark—
54. I love to drive at night
55. We don’t get to see family much..David’s family once a year, my brother once a year and my other brother maybe 2 or 3 times a year. We make sure and cherish those times we do have.
56. I don’t like that my boys are growing up. I want them to stay small forever.
57. I always have my toenails painted
58. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to wear flip flops. My favorite shoes
59.I had a garden a couple of years ago and I planted WAY to much to keep it up..I haven’t planted a garden since then. Next Spring I will get my act together. I did plant pumpkins and LOVED those. I think I will do those again for the boys.
60. I love the time leading up to Christmas. We (as a family) love to make cookies, watch Christmas movies, play Christmas music and decorate the house.
61.I never eat cereal with milk. It makes me sick. I love plain dry cereal. (Kobe is the same way)
62. My husband calls me every day that he is working just to say, “ I LOVE YOU!”
63. I love being spontaneous! Being spontaneous makes the best memories
64. I usually hate change but come to find out it was the best thing in the world to happen.
65. I am a pisces and all of its descriptions usually fit me right on.
66. I hate doing laundry!
67. I hate grocery shopping
68. I love perfume! My two favorites right now are Heavenly & Halo from Victoria Secret. I especially love Halo because David’s nickname for me is “HALOS” certain perfume smells trigger past memories.NEW WEST is still a favorite but hard to find. It reminds me of football games in High School in the Fall time. I still love it. Every year when I lived in Utah my friends and I would go to the annual Nordstroms Perfume cocktail party. We would get all dressed up and get hundreds of perfume samples. I miss those parties.
69.I don’t tolerate inconsiderate people very well.
70. I like to learn peoples names and say hi to them before they even know me or know my name. It only takes a quick hello to give someone warm fuzzies.
71.I absolutely cringe when I have to pay more than $3.00 a galloon for gasoline.
72. I really enjoy watching NBA basketball---except when my husband gets serious about turns out NOT to be fun anymore.
73. My husband and I have YET to celebrate our anniversary. It always falls on the time he is getting ready to take finals for school or needing to study for a big exam. School is worth it though. One day we will celebrate BIG. (right DAVID?)
74. I don’t eat ice cream that much. I do like ice cream if it has nuts in it.
75. I love pretty much anything with nuts in it. I love banana bread with walnuts. David hates it that way…So, I always have to make two loaves. One for him and one for me.
76.I love taking naps during the day…It’s been a very very long time since I’ve had a nap in the day time. (Except this past Sunday) our whole family took a 3 hour nap. Wow..that felt good…Can we repeat that again next Sunday?
77. I hate being late to anything
78. When I go to bed at night it has to be extremely quiet…NO tv, NO music. David is the opposite. Needs music to fall asleep. I am a light sleeper.
79. I rarely watch TV during the day. I usually watch TV when the boys are in bed.
80. I love that my son is always so concerned if I’m wearing my seat belt. If I go somewhere without him without fail he always tells me to to wear my seat belt because he loves me and I’m his best buddy.
81. I am grateful every day that I live in a free country
82. I am grateful that I have running water, a clean restroom or a roof over my head. It makes me sad to think there are so many less fortunate and I shouldn’t complain about what I have.
83. I have learned that, “HE WHO DIES WITH THE MOST TOYS---STILL DIES!”
84. I love eating at Olive Garden
85. I have blonde hair and blue eyes
86. I am so grateful for my biological Mother who gave me up for adoption when I was a baby.
87. I have no desire to meet my biological Mother-she gave me the gift of life—that’s all I needed from her…and her love to give me to my parents who I consider my biological parents anyway.
88. I am afraid of death
89. I’m afraid of losing a loved one
90. I don’t smoke
91. I don’t drink alcohol
92. I love teaching Sunday school to 4 nine year old kids
93. I admire those who can sing well.
94. I have no desire to be famous and or live in Los Angeles
95. I love the simple life
96. I’m a meat and potatoes kind of girl
97. I hate wearing makeup in the summer—but I usually do it anyway
98. I hate HOT weather
99. I don’t drink milk—I drank it as a kid—really need to drink my milk
100.WHEW…100 hour..that was kind of hard to do…I love my life!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Happy Birthday David

JUNE 26th

Happy Birthday David

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday Dear David

Happy Birthday to you!

David Happy Birthday!!! What a cute baby...It didn't take many
Birthdays for you to become a man.

I asked your family to give me some of there favorite memories with you.
Here is a few that I got back.....
Your cute sister Erika said:
I have many memories of David!

The first one I like is he took me to see Lion King I don't really remember much about it but it was fun.

The next one we were watching Toy Story 2 and we saw the part when the Potato Head says "Be prepared
to meet Mr. Angry eyes." And we laughed and laughed and rewinded it and watched it over and over. I didn't think it was that funny but David was laughing so hard
it was contagious!

Then when we were in Neveda we were playing on the play ground on the teeter totters and he was making me go very high and I was screaming and he was laughing, then we dug through the school trash(Eww! I know but there is NOTHING to do in Neveda) and we just had fun trying to entertain ourselves!

I have many memories (he is awesome) so those are just some that I liked. He always makes me laugh no matter what mood I am in, I love being around him!
So anytime I am around him or talk to him on the phone are my favorite memories! I love him!

Your cute sister Tina said:

My memory is listening to the Beach Boys together and when David
stepped on the G.I. Joe guy and he cut the guy in half.
It was so funny watching him cut in in half.

Your Mom said:

David is our prayer child. David has always been an independent individual, which is a quality of good leaders. When he was small, he would take off by himself, which scared us to death. One time we got a call from the police telling us that David and his little girl friend were there because someone had seen them and taken them there. Once our neighbors had taken David out of the middle of the street! At church we could not find David when it was time for Sacrament meeting. This is panic time for parents. Where to go to look. This is why we call him our prayer child! "Help me find him, and I promise I will hug and kiss him instead of beat him!" We found him at King's Variety store! Because this was a common occurrence, we decided that he would wear an identification bracelet! We taught him his parents' names and phone number! He has always been a loving individual. He gives the best mom hugs! We have always enjoyed his sense of humor and ability to make us laugh! We love him.

Your loving wife:

I don't have just one memory of David I have thousands. I loved our time dating...I loved our wedding
day...I just love the time we spend Erika I love when
David finds humor in a movie and he will rewind that scene ten or
more times and he will just laugh and laugh.
I love the quiet times we have and the times we just talk and talk.
I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband. I love him tons!!

David...We all wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We hope you have
a great Birthday and know we all love you so much.
You are such a wonderful Father and an
We all send you tons of Birthday wishes....

For another fun post on David's Birthday

Visit my other blog site that I use all the time!

Thursday, June 21, 2007



Kobe loves to make tents in the house. He is especially excited

to go camping this summer. He is really looking forward to it.
So, today we are going camping right in our own front room.

Kobe peeks out to let us know it's all clear of bears

Kobe invites us in for good conversation and yummy treats!!

It's time to go now! Kobe is tired and wants to go to sleep in his tent.

What a long long day and it's not even noon yet. I wonder what the rest of the day will bring for Kobe. He is so full of life and excitement. We certainly love his imagination! Kobe is all boy and so full of tons and tons of fun. Kobe thank you for sharing your tent with us.

We had a great time!!

Animal School

Excellent Video to watch

More Pictures of my cute niece Aubrey

I love having my niece and nephew here! We will be sad when they have to go home.

We have been having lots of fun taking cute pictures of Aubrey. Here is more cute

pictures of Aubrey!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Devin is finally feeling better! We are happy about that. He is still leary on his
appetite but we are happy that he just isn't feeling CRUMMY...
We love you Devin!! He is starting to say so many words.
My favorite thing about Devin: I love when I pick up
Devin and tell him to give me a big hug...He wraps both his arms
around my neck and gives me a hug...Then I tell Devin...I want a TIGHT hug
and he squeezes harder around my neck. My most favorite thing
in the world...
We love you Devin.....

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

4th of July Memories-2006

Happy 4th of July

In years past we have always made it a tradition to go to Utah for the 4th of July. The past 7 years David & I have always been together to celebrate the 4th. We wanted to make this a tradition with our boys to be in Utah to celebrate this fun day. This year we sadly will not be able to be there for the 4th.
We love being with our family in Clearfield, Utah...going to the parade, the family BBQ, the family time and then the fireworks that night. We have cherished so many memories.
We hope in years to come we will be able to continue our 4th of July family tradition.
We have great memories with our family in Utah! We thought
we would remember our time with our family last 4th of July.

Devin & Kobe of course look the same but looking at this picture
they both have grown up so much. Devin is walking and talking now and Kobe
is just a little boy who has drastically changed as well.

Every year we always have so much fun at the parade. Grandpa saves us seats

and we enjoy the parade...After the parade we have a fun family BBQ--enjoy the day and that night we have fun waiting for the fireworks to start. Last year it rained and we missed out

on the fireworks. Kobe was so tired that I don't even think he noticed he missed them.

We made a fun trip up to Tony's Grove! Being in the Pine trees and the fresh air is my element. I love being up in the mountains and surrounded by trees. My dream one day is to live in the mountains with our backyard full of pine trees. That is what I was surrounded by growing up as a child/teen and I loved every moment of it.

Kobe has so much fun with his Aunt Amy & Uncle Andy! This was a special picture for him.

We are sad we won’t be in Utah this 4th of July but we know
no matter what we are doing we will have a good time as a family.
We will cherish the moments and the times we had last year and
hopefully we will be able to continue our family tradition of
going to Utah next year.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Aubrey & Austin

My niece and nephew are staying with us for a few weeks. It's been so fun having them here. It will be sad to see them go home. They have been having so much fun in the pool and hanging out.
Saturday night we put highlights in my niece's hair. She was probably wondering what the heck we were doing. I was so worried it wouldn't turn out cute for her. I have to admit I was worried. I am clueless when it comes to doing hair. It turned out really cute. We took pictures yesterday before church and she is so cute. She looks so grown up!

It's been a lot of fun having them here.

The picture of the boys....Austin, Kobe & Kobe's friend Hunter enjoying some time out by the pool and taking a break for watermelon.
We are all having a good time!

My niece Aubrey

Friday, June 15, 2007



What a relief that the San Antonio Spurs won last night!

David was on the edge of his seat last night in the

last few minutes of the game.

The San Antonio Spurs swept the title in a 4

straight win...

In pride of the Spurs I wore my pink San Antonio Spurs hat.

I am not used to wearing a hat but it was fun to show my

pride for them.
OR maybe I am so happy because we don't have to watch
NBA for awhile..
NO...really I love watching NBA except for when David gets
really mad..Then it takes the fun out of the sport.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

2 Websites

Okay, so there are things I like about blogger and things I like about VOX. Is it worth keeping two different blog sites? I don't know. We will see!! Maybe to make fun slide shows of the family.
I always use because it has been so easy to use. BUT..if I can actually learn all the cool features on blogger maybe this site will be just as fun. My friend Arianne uses this site and it looks like a lot of others do to. So we will give it a test run and see which one I use more.
It's been so fun to keep journal entries and to re-live the past.
Hope everyone enjoys it.

Check out my Slide Show!